Healthy Humor
I am excited to announce that I have been offered a job with Healthy Humor working as a Clown Doctor at Cincinnati Children's Hospital. Until I started the interview process I had no idea that healthcare clowning was a profession. I've attached some info about the company below for those who are curious about this unusual industry.
With over 60 years of collective experience, our co-founders, Karen McCarty, Dina Paul-Parks and Deborah Kaufmann are committed to making Healthy Humor the premier healthcare clowning organization in America for generations to come.
Healthy Humor is an arts organization whose professional performers create moments of joy, wonder, laughter and comfort for hospitalized children and all others who are most in need.
We hope for a world transformed by humor, joy and the power of human connection – a world less burdened by pain and fear.
Our flagship program, Red Nose Docs, uses the magic of healthcare clowning to help alleviate the stress, fear, sadness and isolation of the hospital environment for young patients and their circle of caregivers.
Red Nose Docs are professional artists from a variety of genres (actors, musicians, magicians, etc.) who are specially-trained to work in the hospital environment. Using an array of circus and theater skills, our performers work in teams of two to create spontaneous, joyful encounters, reintroducing play and fun as natural parts of life. They wear minimal makeup and understated costumes while conducting “Clown Rounds” to parody the regimented and sometimes intimidating hospital setting.